Tuesday, February 11, 2014

move tables to different tablespace using Brtools i.e. TTREE tables during EHP update

IPLQLS:oraqls 3> brtools

BR0651I BRTOOLS 7.20 (31)

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.31
BR0656I Choice menu 1 - please make a selection
BR*Tools main menu

 1 = Instance management
 2 - Space management
 3 - Segment management
 4 - Backup and database copy
 5 - Restore and recovery
 6 - Check and verification
 7 - Database statistics
 8 - Additional functions
 9 - Exit program

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.37
BR0663I Your choice: '3'

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.37
BR0656I Choice menu 7 - please make a selection
Database segment management

 1 = Reorganize tables
 2 - Rebuild indexes
 3 - Export tables
 4 - Import tables
 5 - Alter tables
 6 - Alter indexes
 7 - Additional segment functions
 8 - Reset program status

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.42
BR0663I Your choice: '1'

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.42
BR0657I Input menu 91 - please enter/check input values
BRSPACE options for reorganization of tables

 1 - BRSPACE profile (profile) ...... [initQLS.sap]
 2 - Database user/password (user) .. [/]
 3 ~ Reorganization action (action) . []
 4 ~ Tablespace names (tablespace) .. []
 5 ~ Table owner (owner) ............ []
 6 ~ Table names (table) ............ []
 7 ~ Table partitions (tabpart) ..... []
 8 - Confirmation mode (confirm) .... [yes]
 9 - Extended output (output) ....... [no]
10 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .. [20]
11 - Message language (language) .... [E]
12 - BRSPACE command line (command) . [-p initQLS.sap -s 20 -l E -f tbreorg]

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.44.48
BR0663I Your choice: '6'
BR0681I Enter string value for "table" []:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.08

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.08
BR0657I Input menu 91 - please enter/check input values
BRSPACE options for reorganization of tables

 1 - BRSPACE profile (profile) ...... [initQLS.sap]
 2 - Database user/password (user) .. [/]
 3 ~ Reorganization action (action) . []
 4 ~ Tablespace names (tablespace) .. []
 5 ~ Table owner (owner) ............ []
 6 ~ Table names (table) ............ [TTREE,TTREEI,TTREEP,TTREET,TTREE_APPL,TTREE_FLNK]
 7 ~ Table partitions (tabpart) ..... []
 8 - Confirmation mode (confirm) .... [yes]
 9 - Extended output (output) ....... [no]
10 - Scrolling line count (scroll) .. [20]
11 - Message language (language) .... [E]
12 - BRSPACE command line (command) . [-p initQLS.sap -s 20 -l E -f tbreorg -t "TTREE,TTREEI,TTREEP,TTREET,TTREE_APPL,TTREE_FLNK"]

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.16
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0291I BRSPACE will be started with options '-p initQLS.sap -s 20 -l E -f tbreorg -t "TTREE,TTREEI,TTREEP,TTREET,TTREE_APPL,TTREE_FLNK"'

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.16
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.18
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...


BR1001I BRSPACE 7.20 (31)
BR1002I Start of BRSPACE processing: seneityh.tbr 2014-02-11 12.46.19
BR0484I BRSPACE log file: /oracle/QLS/sapreorg/seneityh.tbr

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.19
BR1009I Name of database instance: QLS
BR1010I BRSPACE action ID: seneityh
BR1011I BRSPACE function ID: tbr
BR1012I BRSPACE function: tbreorg

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.19
BR1039I Selecting information about tables and indexes...
BR0285I This action can take several seconds/minutes - be patient...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.46.38
BR0814I Number of tables in schema of owner SAPSR3: 84397

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.47.05
BR0815I Number of indexes in schema of owner SAPSR3: 101127

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.47.07
BR0660I List display 352 - no selection possible
List of tables for reorganization

  Pos.  Owner    Table                Pt. DgPk.     Rows   Used[KB]  Data[KB:%]

    1 - SAPSR3   TTREEI               NO   1     1378200    146864     91521:62
    2 - SAPSR3   TTREEP               NO   1      439270     42736     35605:83
    3 - SAPSR3   TTREET               NO   1       56890      6528      5167:79
    4 - SAPSR3   TTREE_APPL           NO   1       16943      2000      1241:62
    5 - SAPSR3   TTREE_FLNK           NO   1        2382       584       235:40

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.47.56
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.47.56
BR0657I Input menu 353 - please enter/check input values
Options for reorganization of tables: SAPSR3.TTREEI,... (5 tables)

 1 * Reorganization action (action) ............ [reorg]
 2 - Reorganization mode (mode) ................ [online]
 3 - Create DDL statements (ddl) ............... [yes]
 4 ~ New destination tablespace (newts) ........ []
 5 ~ Separate index tablespace (indts) ......... []
 6 - Parallel threads (parallel) ............... [1]
 7 ~ Table/index parallel degree (degree) ...... []
 8 ~ Category of initial extent size (initial) . []
 9 ~ Sort by fields of index (sortind) ......... []
10 # Index for IOT conversion (iotind) ......... [FIRST]
11 - Compression action (compress) ............. [none]
12 # LOB compression degree (lobcompr) ......... [medium]
13 # Index compression method (indcompr) ....... [ora_proc]

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.01
BR0663I Your choice: '4'
BR0681I Enter string value for "newts" []:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.11
BR0683I New value for "newts": 'PSAPSR3731'

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.11
BR0657I Input menu 353 - please enter/check input values
Options for reorganization of tables: SAPSR3.TTREEI,... (5 tables)

 1 * Reorganization action (action) ............ [reorg]
 2 - Reorganization mode (mode) ................ [online]
 3 - Create DDL statements (ddl) ............... [yes]
 4 ~ New destination tablespace (newts) ........ [PSAPSR3731]
 5 ~ Separate index tablespace (indts) ......... []
 6 - Parallel threads (parallel) ............... [1]
 7 ~ Table/index parallel degree (degree) ...... []
 8 ~ Category of initial extent size (initial) . []
 9 ~ Sort by fields of index (sortind) ......... []
10 # Index for IOT conversion (iotind) ......... [FIRST]
11 - Compression action (compress) ............. [none]
12 # LOB compression degree (lobcompr) ......... [medium]
13 # Index compression method (indcompr) ....... [ora_proc]

Standard keys: c - cont, b - back, s - stop, r - refr, h - help
BR0662I Enter your choice:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.15
BR0663I Your choice: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR1098W Tablespace PSAPSR3731 should be auto-extensible for reorganization
BR0691W Warning by checking input value for 'newts'

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.15
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.17
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.17
BR1108I Checking tables for reorganization...

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.17
BR1112I Number of tables selected/skipped for reorganization: 5/0

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.17
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.24
BR0257I Your reply: 'c'
BR0259I Program execution will be continued...

BR0370I Directory /oracle/QLS/sapreorg/seneityh created

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.25
BR1101I Starting 'online' table reorganization...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.25
BR1124I Starting 'online' reorganization of table SAPSR3.TTREEI ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.47
BR1105I Table SAPSR3.TTREEI reorganized successfully

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.47
BR1141I 1 of 5 tables processed - 1378200 of 1893685 rows done
BR0204I Percentage done: 71.42%, estimated end time: 12:48
BR0001I ************************************______________
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.47
BR1124I Starting 'online' reorganization of table SAPSR3.TTREEP ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.54
BR1105I Table SAPSR3.TTREEP reorganized successfully

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.54
BR1141I 2 of 5 tables processed - 1817470 of 1893685 rows done
BR0204I Percentage done: 94.54%, estimated end time: 12:48
BR0001I ***********************************************___
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.54
BR1124I Starting 'online' reorganization of table SAPSR3.TTREET ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.56
BR1105I Table SAPSR3.TTREET reorganized successfully

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.56
BR1141I 3 of 5 tables processed - 1874360 of 1893685 rows done
BR0204I Percentage done: 97.98%, estimated end time: 12:48
BR0001I *************************************************_
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.56
BR1124I Starting 'online' reorganization of table SAPSR3.TTREE_APPL ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.57
BR1105I Table SAPSR3.TTREE_APPL reorganized successfully
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.57
BR1124I Starting 'online' reorganization of table SAPSR3.TTREE_FLNK ...
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.59
BR1105I Table SAPSR3.TTREE_FLNK reorganized successfully

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.59
BR1141I 5 of 5 tables processed - 1893685 of 1893685 rows done
BR0204I Percentage done: 100.00%, estimated end time: 12:48
BR0001I **************************************************

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.59
BR1102I Number of tables reorganized successfully: 5

BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.48.59
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.34
BR0257I Your reply: 's'
BR0679I Do you really want to cancel BRSPACE? Enter y[es]/n[o]:
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.37
BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
BR0260E BRSPACE cancelled by user

BR1008I End of BRSPACE processing: seneithh.tbr 2014-02-11 12.42.37
BR0280I BRSPACE time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.37
BR1007I BRSPACE terminated with errors


BR0292I Execution of BRSPACE finished with return code 2

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.37
BR0668I Warnings or errors occurred - you can continue to ignore them or go back to repeat the last action
BR0670I Enter 'c[ont]' to continue, 'b[ack]' to go back, 's[top]' to abort:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.38
BR0257I Your reply: 's'
BR0679I Do you really want to cancel BRTOOLS? Enter y[es]/n[o]:
BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.40
BR0257I Your reply: 'y'
BR0260E BRTOOLS cancelled by user

BR0280I BRTOOLS time stamp: 2014-02-11 12.42.40
BR0654I BRTOOLS terminated with errors